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Up: 13.2.4 The Color Matrix
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The CMY color space describes colors in terms of the subtractive
primaries: cyan, magenta, and yellow. CMY is used mainly for hardcopy
devices such as color printers. Generally, the conversion from
RGB to CMY follows the equation [30]:
CMY conversion may be performed using the color matrix or a scale and
bias operation. The conversion is equivalent to a scale by
and a
bias by
. Using the 4x4 color matrix, the equation may be restated
Here, the incoming alpha channel must be equal to 1. If
the source is RGB, the 1 will be added automatically in the format
conversion stage of the pipeline.
A related color space, CMYK, uses a fourth channel (K) to represent
black. Since conversion to CMYK requires a
operation, it
cannot be performed using the color matrix.
The extension EXT_CMYKA also supports conversion to and from CMYK
and CMYKA. This extension is currently supported by Evans
& Sutherland.
Next: YIQ Conversion
Up: 13.2.4 The Color Matrix
Previous: Hue Rotation